Who Wants to Go Next Year?!

Wow!  I don't know if I can put this experience into words.  Words are just not sufficient.

First, all praise and glory goes to God.  He truly performed a "two fish, five loaves" miracle with our funds.  The money just seemed to multiply while sitting in my purse.  I can't explain it.  We were able to leave $700 behind for Bruce and Paula to use as they saw fit.

Second, let me say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who gave, who prayed, who encouraged, who provided! This trip was as much YOU building a house for this family as it was us building a house.  We could absolutely not have done it without you.

Third, I can't say enough about what Bruce and Paula are doing in Mexico.  Their mission organization has built about 100 houses...and they only get about 4 work groups in a year (accounting for only about a quarter of what they've built.)  Most of these are built by Bruce, Paula and a few men from Reynosa, men who have had houses built for them and want to share with others their skills and their love of God.  One man joined us who had a house built a couple of months ago, and who came to know Christ as his Savior as a result.  He was there daily sharing in the work for another family.  If only we all had such love and concern for our neighbor and such willingness to reach out and help.  Please visit Bruce and Paula on Facebook or on their blog and, as God leads, support their work.  In addition to providing houses they provide food and clothing and water and dirt for the roads and so much more that is desperately needed in this community just across the border.  We heard amazing stories of needs met and provision given and obedience and service.  God is using them in so many ways.

Fourth, I am so grateful for our team.  What a blessing it was to work alongside the Ruiz and LeMay families.  They are so fun to be with and we had a great time together.  While it would be fun to go again next year together, we have set of goal of each family recruiting an entirely new team, which has potential to exponentially multiply the work being done.

Beyond this, I am so grateful for Trophy's boss...who contributed large quantities of meat which not only allowed us to save money on feeding the team, but provided a wonderful meal for so many who attended the house dedication.

And I couldn't be more proud of my children, who worked so very hard with all their hearts and were truly the "little" hands and feet of Jesus.  They were as critical to this trip as those with bigger hands and feet.

We asked the kids, "If you could have a choice next year of going to Disneyland or going back to Mexico to build another house, what would you choose?"  They unanimously and without hesitation said they would go back to Mexico!

We truly have been blessed to be a blessing!!

If you want to see ALL the pictures (some taken by the kids and not all of particular quality), you can view the three Facebook albums HERE, HERE and HERE.

So, Noah has already put the change from his $10 spending money -- a little over $6 -- in our collection jar.  Saving for next year's trip has already started!

Who wants to join us?!

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